Lila Smyth Lila Smyth

The Real Reason People Choose to Work With Me Over Anyone Else

Let’s cut to the chase — people don’t just buy from businesses. They buy from people they connect with. And the best way to make that connection? By sharing your story.

That’s exactly what I’m all about. When you work with me, you’re not just getting gorgeous brand photos (though, trust me, you’ll get those too). You’re getting images that capture who you are, why you do what you do, and the magic that sets your brand apart.

And I’m not leaving you hanging. I’ll hand you a strategic plan to make sure your photos don’t just sit pretty — they work for you.

Want to know why people choose to work with me over anyone else? I spilled all the details in this post.

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Lila Smyth Lila Smyth

Branded Photos: Your Space

You have a spot where you work. We all do. And if you are a business owner, chances are you have put a lot of work into making that space yours. And guess what that means! It tells a big part of your story. Small things, from the photos and art you choose to have up, and bigger design elements, like color and style, all express who you are. Professional, branded photos of your workplace are powerful tools you can use to share who you are with your community. And the more your community connects the more likely they are to pay you for the magic you make.

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DIY Lila Smyth DIY Lila Smyth

How to Hang a Gallery Wall

Gallery walls provide a space for your memories to live in your home. Having the people, connections, and stories of your life surrounding you gives a concrete reminder of who your are and where you come from. It can be overwhelming, but I am here to teach you how to hang a gallery wall.

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Lila Smyth Lila Smyth

Capturing Backyard Moments

My dad was the officiant at our wedding. He has married a select few other couples and likes to brag about his success rate. Part of the deal was meeting with him several times before the wedding. The details of these meetings are kind of a blur, but the conversations were all about the importance of connection. I remember discussing the foundation we were building our lives on. I remember the warmth and closeness that filled our apartment after my dad left for the evening.

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Lila Smyth Lila Smyth

Documenting the Beginning of the School Year

The first day of school is bigger than January 1st for me. This dates back to my days of being a teacher. The smell of school supplies would get me excited. Putting name tags on desks, ready for the fresh faces and new stories that would reveal themselves as I met my students.

Now that I am a mom I still have a soft spot for the first days of school. My kids go back to the classroom, we get routine back into our lives, and it hits me how much they have grown! It is the perfect opportunity to take a photo to time stamp the new grade, the new phase, the new smile that is here today.

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Lila Smyth Lila Smyth

How to Use Polaroids with Kids

I love polaroids. I love the instant capture of a moment that you don’t upload, edit, or change. It is what it is and I think there is something very special about that. So here a couple things I love about polaroids and some ideas of how you can use them with your family.

We have been using our Instax quite a bit during this time at home and Asher, my little photographer, has fallen in love with it. The reasons I like using a polaroid with my kids are listed below.

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